Viewing memory data in core generator.

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Member level 2
Jun 28, 2007
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Hi people,

I previously post a question about core generator and with the help i recieved i managed to solve the problem.
I have created a memory module with writes data to its specific locations.

Does anyone know how you view the data that has been written to thse locations. What i am trying to do is take the data from this memory location and view it on my PC so i can then analyze it in MatLab.

So just to clarify i , my question is how do you take the data from the core gen memory and get it to appear on the PC in an array or whatever other format..

Thanks again,


After you preloaded the memory locations you should have seen a list showing data values assigned to those locations. You should also be able to view it at HDL within your project if your core is not set up as a black box entity.

You can always look at your XCO or COE file.


i dont understand what you mean by pre-assigned the data?
I never gave them values , i am sending the sampled data to the memory locations , not ones i already know. How do i access the CEO file ?

If you have specific data values that you want in certain locations at startup you can use the memory generator tool to do that for you.

You should be able to open the COE file as a text file.

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