Video Processing project by mounting a camera on a bot

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Newbie level 6
Jul 6, 2012
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I want to do a project in image processing or rather video processing.

The idea is that a camera would be mounted on a bot and it will compare the videos that it records to videos that have been previously stored in memory and accordingly move in the corret direction.

Can anybody help out and tell is it possible in practical? if yes then any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you

sharn which kind of link u want to use, wire or wireless. everything is possible but that requires struggle

Wireless actually... RF or bluetooth maybe. Dont require Long range. Just a few metres.

wireless camera's are available in market with wifi link. and for video transmission use wifi link only
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How abt RF cameras? can they be used to transmit videos? cause wifi costs are higher and hence reduces the project efficiency and also its practical implementation in market. any other links can be used?

You'll need the bandwidth of WiFi for video transmission, otherwise you might as well take a lunch break.

If all you'll be transmitting is a snapshot/single frame, then you can consider something along the lines of a 2.4GHz transceiver.

Do you need full frame rate video? Or will a snapshot/single frame work?

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Breaking down the video into single frames will work. So ill be able to compare these images with the one's stored in the memory.

Also wanted to know if there are any methods for compression of these images so that the data transfer can be fast because these images have to be compared to the databse and then the Robot should be sent the information - in which direction to move.

If single frames will work, you might consider nRF24L01+ transceivers, for example:

**broken link removed**

They are fairly inexpensive and offer a fairly good bandwidth.

As far as compression there are several commonly used compression algorithms, you'll need to determine whether lossy or lossless compression is viable for your application. There are cameras available which transmit serially a compressed image in JPG format.

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Thanks bigdogguru. That Transceiver module should work great.

Also, you mentioned about cameras which transmit compressed jpg image. Can you suggest one which could be used for this application?

I've used various cameras on projects. LinkSprite manufactures a line which might fulfill your requirements:

LinkSprite JPEG Color Camera TTL Interface

I've purchased the above model for as little as $35 in low quantities. Make sure you select a camera with a TTL serial interface, not an RS-232 or RS-485 which would require additional components to interface with the microcontroller.

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thanks.. ill try that out n see how it goes. Cheers!

Could anyone suggest some good articles/papers or journals (Bachelor level) in this or related topics and also how DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform ) can be used here for compression?

Also any help regarding the use of Matlab in this work would be greatly appreciated. Thanx :smile:

If you are considering developing your own compression algorithms, you might want to consider a camera like the following:

The above camera provides the Serial Camera Control Bus (SCCB) interface which allows for better access to the cameras internal configurations.

The following projects might be of interest as well:

FPGA Stereo Vision Project

ok.. thanks again. Ill have a look at those projects n see if i can find something which could be used.

Can anyone suggest about some projects/papers regarding video comparision (either by converting them to snapshots or as a video itself) ?

Also any suggestions about which Algorithm is preferred for video comparisions.

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In my first take the video of the same scene two times either by wire or wireless manner .....and try to see what your are getting is the co-relation between two videos eighter frame wise compare or as bigdog said object tracking etc....bcz if this philosophy works in your system constraints then only..... there is point to move forward on this bcz many times the scene propensities like brightness, sharpness of the object, zoom of the camera etc....badly affect the system performance....

Good Luck
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Thanks bigdogguru and milind.a.kulkarni. Working on that

Also working on another project in parallel so that can finalise one of the two.
The 2nd project is to make a bot follow a path using image processing. Would appreciate your inputs on this idea. Thank you.

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