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Video Poker and Slot electronic coin operated machines

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Jan 15, 2004
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slot machine test mode

for who doesn't have a clear idea of what I'm talking about (very few I guess), at these links there are some examples:

I wonder whether there are sites from which download producers handbooks describing how to change electronic card (PCB) settings or how to test them.

Is even there a way to dump the PCB (EPROM) so to emulate them on a PC? And to test if the PCB hardware and/or the EPROM content has been modified to change the game behaviour? Is there an universal machine on which test/debug them? Are producers used to embed in the PCB microprocessor, a debug modality? What are the most common ways to hack/modify such systems?

An example of what I wanna do:
A fruit slot machine has by default a X probability that an apple appears.
I wonna know If I can test whether X has been decreased.
If there isn't a debug/testing mode, I wonna override the normal slot machine function so to force it to give me a row all of apples, without waste hours or even days waiting before it happens, to check what is the multiplier or the jackpot associated to such event.

I'll be greet if information for electromechanical coin-ops will be provided too.

best wishes

I have some experience with this fruit game ,and it has some bugs .Players very easy hack it. So we don't use it. I think only way to test it , is to play for a real.

From my experience, best gambling game is from famous manufactories like IGT, ARISTOCRAT. IMPERA... (sory for my bad english)

Supposing that a techincian wants to test if the machine works properly and he doesn't have full days to wait the happening of a defined event, is there a way to force a event happening, for example, on a poker machine, a Natural Royal Flush?

thanks for suggested manufacturers.

I understand what you want . But I think that good test is only real play many hours . I have one board witch is copy of the one good poker program , and after it is working 2-3 month , percentage we preset program isn't obtain.When general input money was smal( in the begining) everithing was ok,but when input money became bigger this problem was happened.
Only to mention that with orginal program we don't have this problem.

sorry, i'am not good with english.

Don't worry, your english is good enough ;)

Play many hours maybe good and necessary but if the gambling machine does not work properly only when, for example, a Royal Flush happens, virtually you may spent even months until a Royal Flush happens to you, thus revealing the bug.

Anyway, if these machines have not a test mode how do the manufacturers test them? If a machine owner discover that it doesn't work properly and asks the manufacturer to repair it, following a trial and error way can lead to waste a lot of time( days/months) making the owner very angry.

regards and thanks

If I be manufacturer, I would'n test machine.Just write new program in to eprom , (or other memory) .I realy don't know for any test mode on these machine.

How much secure are these machines against attempts to change their default behavior?


It depend , I was provide some older version wich was maded some modification in program, and it is working ok.They program is in 3 eproms.I am not sure for new version .

If a machine has been hacked, can it be seen with ease? For example looking to the game card devices soldering or seals. (if an eprom has been changed)

Is there a way to dump the eprom(s) content and emulate the game on a PC?(the same way that happens for MAME cards) Or to see if the eprom content is or not the original by the manufacturer

In which way, can be these machines modified/hacked? (is more probable that the hardware is hacked or the firmware/software?)

Are The manufacturers used to use a single electronic card on which run many different games or to develop a dedicated electronic card for each different game?


is there anyone who knows a good website on amusement cabinets prividing tech info on parts such as coin hoppers, pcb boards, ...?


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