Video and Telemetry on the same channel

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Advanced Member level 5
Aug 20, 2011
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I have a moving plattform from which I have to send video and data simultaneously in real time. Both links must be very robust.
The video link is Tx only from the plattform's onboard camera to the base station while the data-link is bidirectional.

I have 2 options:

1. 2 seperate devices - a video transmitter and a data transceiver ( 2 complitly seperate electronic circuits ).
2. One integrated device - A tranciever that will send and recieve data and at the same time will always transmit video.

What solution do you thing is better ?
Please answer in detail.

Wifi Router with Wired IP camera

IP camera For Video Streaming and Wi-fi interface for data transfer.

Interesting idea.
However, it doesn't relate to the question I asked.

If you can, convert your video data into digital one and add your data into this and send it as a stream package then decode it at the end.
You can use it bidirectional..just an idea..
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It is totally related to what you're asking for. Once the data is IP, the video stream will be UDP (fast, responsive but you may get
some picture freezes) and the data will be as reliable as you want, because it will use checksums and handshakes (TCP).
Reactions: shaiko


    Points: 2
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I have to note that I cannot use high carrier frequencies for either data or video.
It will be at the 900MHz at most.

The data rate is rather low - around 4800 Kb/s
AM isn't an option - I want to use FSK or QPSK

So you can use the GSM850/900 channels for the data. Rent the channels from the mobile network operator. What is your video data rate?

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