use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
ENTITY light_tester is
pwm_pulses : integer := 10; --4096--number of spi slaves
transmit_pulses : integer := 5); --192--data bus width
clock : in std_logic; --SYS Clock
gsclk : buffer std_logic := '0'; --GS Clock
dcprg : out std_logic := '0'; --DC Program (keep low) for future development
sclk : buffer std_logic := '0'; --Shift load clock
blank : out std_logic := '0'; --Blank outputs/zero PWM counter
vprg : out std_logic := '0'; --EEPROM Program (keep low) for future development
xlat : buffer std_logic := '0'; --latch new data use when blank is high
data : out std_logic := '0'); --data sent out
end light_tester;
ARCHITECTURE logic OF light_tester IS
process (clock) --clocks pwm of TLC5940 using 1/2 FPGA clock freq (25 MHz => 12.5 MHz)
variable gs_counter : integer range 0 to pwm_pulses*2+3 := 0;
variable senddata : boolean := true;
variable data_to_send : std_logic_vector(0 to 7) := ('1', '1', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1', '0');
if(clock'EVENT and clock = '1') then
case gs_counter IS
when pwm_pulses*2 => -- done with clocking in data
gs_counter := gs_counter+1;
blank <= '1'; --set blank high to reset the TLC5940 PWM counter
when pwm_pulses*2+1 =>
xlat <= '1'; --set xlat high to latch new data
gs_counter := gs_counter+1;
when pwm_pulses*2+2 => --toggle xlat and blank and reset to start over
xlat <= '0';
blank<= '0';
gs_counter :=0;
senddata :=true; -- send new data next round
when transmit_pulses*2 => --last transmitted serial data so dont transmit any more
senddata :=false;
gs_counter := gs_counter+1;
gsclk <= not gsclk; --toggle pwm clock
when others => --clock 4096 pwm pulses
gs_counter := gs_counter+1;
gsclk <= not gsclk; --toggle pwm clock
if (senddata) then --only send data when you haven't transmitted all the bits
sclk <= not sclk; --toggle serial data clock
end if;
end case;
end if;
if (clock'event and clock = '0' and senddata) then --clock is 0 => load new data
data<=data_to_send(gs_counter); --load data to be transmitted
--right now this is just dummy data
end if;
end process;
end logic;