Newbie level 4
Hi there, i am a new engineer who is trying to learn FPGA programming. As a project i am trying to implement a digital thermometer using a spartan3e FPGA board and DS1822 chip which uses 1-wire protocol.
For starters i am just trying to implement the preset and present pulses between the devices but when i try to test my code simulation gets stuck at the first delay.
Can anyone point me what i am doing wrong. Thanks in advance for your help!
For starters i am just trying to implement the preset and present pulses between the devices but when i try to test my code simulation gets stuck at the first delay.
Can anyone point me what i am doing wrong. Thanks in advance for your help!
library IEEE;
entity main is
port (
clk : in STD_LOGIC;
onoff : in STD_LOGIC;
DQ : inout STD_LOGIC;
led_test : out STD_LOGIC);
end main;
architecture Behavioral of main is
signal DQ_in: STD_LOGIC;
signal dev_present: STD_LOGIC; -- 1 if device answers.
signal new_clk: STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- 2us clock
signal onoff_in: STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- 2us clock
onoff_in <=onoff;
clk_proc: process (clk)
variable clk_cnt: integer:=0;
if rising_edge(clk) then --Mclk 20ns
clk_cnt := clk_cnt+1;
if (clk_cnt = 100) then
clk_cnt := 0;
new_clk <= not new_clk;--2 us clk
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- 1wire bus pulled low for min 480us by master => "reset"
p1: process(new_clk,onoff_in)
variable loop_cnt: integer:=0;
if (onoff_in = '1') then
--wait 1ms
while (loop_cnt < 501) loop
if rising_edge(new_clk) then
loop_cnt:= loop_cnt + 1;
end if;
end loop;
loop_cnt:=0; --reset counter
DQ <= '0'; --pull bus low
--wait 500us
while (loop_cnt < 251) loop
if rising_edge(new_clk) then
loop_cnt:= loop_cnt + 1;
end if;
end loop;
loop_cnt:=0; --reset counter
DQ <='Z';-- pullup resistor restores DQ bus to high
-- slave detects bus rising to pullup waits 15 to 60us then pulls bus low for 60 to 240us => "present"
--wait 90us for slave
while (loop_cnt < 46) loop
if rising_edge(new_clk) then
loop_cnt:= loop_cnt + 1;
end if;
end loop;
loop_cnt:=0; --reset counter
end if;
end process;
DQ_in <=DQ; --sample DQ
dev_present<= not DQ_in;
end Behavioral;