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Dear all,
I am facing a problem while simulating a VHDL design. I am using 'ncvhdl' from Cadence for simulation, and I am trying to use asserts along the simulation. In particular, I have the following code:
But when I apply the stimulus (1) and check the result at (2), I notice that: the value of 'a' printed by the assertion is '0' and not '1', and both 'result' and 'carry' signals are 'U'. It seems that the simulation at this point has no chance to make 'a' signal stable before the assertion. Indeed, if I introduce
code, this works well. In this case, however, if I append the following stimuli to the code, the second stimulus is not simulated
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks all for your help
Best regards
I am facing a problem while simulating a VHDL design. I am using 'ncvhdl' from Cadence for simulation, and I am trying to use asserts along the simulation. In particular, I have the following code:
-- Standard includes
library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- Work includes
use work.all;
use work.e3_utils.all;
-- Miscellanea includes
use std.TextIO.all;
entity adder_TB is
end adder_TB;
architecture Simulation of adder_TB is
component adder
operand_l_i : in std_logic;
operand_r_i : in std_logic;
carry_i : in std_logic;
result_o : out std_logic;
carry_o : out std_logic
end component adder;
-- Input stimuli
signal a : std_logic := '0';
signal b : std_logic := '0';
signal c : std_logic := '0';
-- Output signals
signal result : std_logic;
signal carry : std_logic;
-- Prepare stimuli
a <= '1'; -- (1)
assert (result='1' and carry='0') -- (2)
report "[E@adder] Circuit failure at: (" & std_logic'image(a) &
"," & std_logic'image(b) & "," & std_logic'image(c) & ")=(" &
std_logic'image(result) & "," & std_logic'image(carry) & ")"
severity Error;
-- End simulation
assert false report "[SIMEND] End of simulation reached without errors" severity failure;
-- Connect instance
TOP_INSTANCE_0 : adder
port map(
operand_l_i => a,
operand_r_i => b,
carry_i => c,
result_o => result,
carry_o => carry
end Simulation;
But when I apply the stimulus (1) and check the result at (2), I notice that: the value of 'a' printed by the assertion is '0' and not '1', and both 'result' and 'carry' signals are 'U'. It seems that the simulation at this point has no chance to make 'a' signal stable before the assertion. Indeed, if I introduce
wait until (result'stable and carry'stable)
code, this works well. In this case, however, if I append the following stimuli to the code, the second stimulus is not simulated
a <= '0';
b <= '1';
c <= '1';
assert (result='0' and carry='1')
report "[E@adder] Circuit failure at: (" & std_logic'image(a) &
"," & std_logic'image(b) & "," & std_logic'image(c) & ")=(" &
std_logic'image(result) & "," & std_logic'image(carry) & ")"
severity Error;
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks all for your help
Best regards