Newbie level 5
I am perplexed with VHDL behavior in the following example. It's an EDA playground link, so you can simulate it yourself.
My question is why doesn't the process enter when signal 'B' changes in its sensitivity list? The simulation only shows the time 0 uninitialized values of signals in it's sensitivity list. Tried both on Questa and VCS and the same answer.
Thanks for any clarification you can provide.
I am perplexed with VHDL behavior in the following example. It's an EDA playground link, so you can simulate it yourself.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.Std_logic_1164.all;
use std.textio.all;
entity E1_TB is
end entity E1_TB;
architecture BENCH of E1_TB is
signal A : Std_logic;
signal B : Std_logic;
signal C : Std_logic;
process (A, B, C)
variable var2 : line;
write(var2, string'("ENTER: At Time = "));
write(var2, now);
write(var2, string'(" INPUT = "));
write(var2, A);
write(var2, B);
write(var2, C);
writeline(output, var2);
C <= B after 4 NS;
B <= A after 10 ns;
write(var2, string'("EXIT: At Time = "));
write(var2, now);
write(var2, string'(" iOUT1 = "));
write(var2, A);
write(var2, B);
write(var2, C);
end process;
Stim: process
wait for 1 ns;
B <= '0';
wait for 25 NS;
B <= '1';
end process;
end architecture;
My question is why doesn't the process enter when signal 'B' changes in its sensitivity list? The simulation only shows the time 0 uninitialized values of signals in it's sensitivity list. Tried both on Questa and VCS and the same answer.
Thanks for any clarification you can provide.
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