libraryieee;useieee.std_logic_1164.all;useieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;useieee.std_logic_textio.all;use std.textio.all;entity rom_using_file isGENERIC(N :INTEGER:=260);port(
ce,clk ,clk1,read :instd_logic;-- Chip Enable
read_en :instd_logic;-- Read Enable
address :ininteger;-- Address input
data :outinteger;-- Data output
ram1 :inoutinteger;
c :inoutstd_logic);endentity;architecture behavior of rom_using_file is-- RAM block 8x256type RAM isarray(0to(N-1), 0to(N-1))ofinteger;signal mem : RAM ;signal inc_row,inc_colom :integer:=0;file f1 :textopen write_mode is"F:\vlsi project\AV00 _samplecode\imageprocessing\in1.txt";-- Subprogram to read a text file into RAM --procedure Load_ROM (signal data_word :inout RAM)is-- Open File in Read Modefile romfile :textopen read_mode is"F:\vlsi project\AV00 _samplecode\imageprocessing\indata.txt";variable lbuf :line;variable i,j :integer:=0;variable fdata :integer;beginwhilenot endfile(romfile)loop-- read digital data from input file
readline(romfile, lbuf);
read(lbuf, fdata);
data_word(i,j)<= fdata;if(clk = '1')then
i := i+1;if(i=(N-1))then
j := j+1;
i:=0;endif;endif;endloop;endprocedure;begin-- Procedural Call --
Load_ROM(mem);process(clk1)variable buf :line;variable i1 :integer;begin
ram1 <= mem(inc_row,inc_colom);
i1 := ram1;if(clk1='1')then
inc_colom <= inc_colom +1;if(inc_colom =5)then
inc_row <= inc_row +1;if(read ='1')then
write (buf ,i1);
writeline (f1,buf);endif;endif;endif;endprocess;
this is my code ...
how to rectify this error ????
** Error: F:/vlsi project/AV00 _samplecode/imageprocessing/rom.vhdl(44): Prefix of indexed name must be an array.
** Error: F:/vlsi project/AV00 _samplecode/imageprocessing/rom.vhdl(290): VHDL Compiler exiting
libraryieee;useieee.std_logic_1164.all;useieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;useieee.std_logic_textio.all;use std.textio.all;entity rom_using_file isGENERIC(N :INTEGER:=260);port(
ce,clk ,clk1,read :instd_logic;-- Chip Enable
read_en :instd_logic;-- Read Enable
address :ininteger;-- Address input
data :outinteger;-- Data output
ram1 :inoutinteger;
c :inoutstd_logic);endentity;architecture behavior of rom_using_file is-- RAM block 8x256type RAM isarray(0to(N-1), 0to(N-1))ofinteger;signal mem : RAM ;signal inc_row,inc_colom :integer:=0;file f1 :textopen write_mode is"F:\vlsi project\AV00 _samplecode\imageprocessing\in1.txt";-- Subprogram to read a text file into RAM --procedure Load_ROM (signal data_word :inout RAM)is-- Open File in Read Modefile romfile :textopen read_mode is"F:\vlsi project\AV00 _samplecode\imageprocessing\indata.txt";variable lbuf :line;variable i,j :integer:=0;variable fdata :integer;beginwhilenot endfile(romfile)loop-- read digital data from input file
readline(romfile, lbuf);
read(lbuf, fdata);------------ [error line:44th]
data_word(i,j)<= fdata;if(clk'eventand clk = '1')then
i := i+1;if(i=(N-1))then
j := j+1;
i:=0;endif;endif;endloop;endprocedure;begin-- Procedural Call --
Load_ROM(mem);process(clk1)variable buf :line;variable i1 :integer;begin
ram1 <= mem(inc_row,inc_colom);
i1 := ram1;if(clk1='1')then
inc_colom <= inc_colom +1;if(inc_colom =5)then
inc_row <= inc_row +1;if(read ='1')then
write (buf ,i1);
writeline (f1,buf);endif;endif;endif;endprocess;
** Error: F:/vlsi project/AV00 _samplecode/imageprocessing/rom.vhdl(44): Prefix of indexed name must be an array.
** Error: F:/vlsi project/AV00 _samplecode/imageprocessing/rom.vhdl(289): VHDL Compiler exiting
** Error: F:/vlsi project/AV00 _samplecode/imageprocessing/rom.vhdl(44): Prefix of indexed name must be an array.
** Error: F:/vlsi project/AV00 _samplecode/imageprocessing/rom.vhdl(290): VHDL Compiler exiting
1. Are you sure that line 44 that is being flagged is line 44 in your posted code? In the code that you posted, line 44 is an "end if" statement which would not cause the error that you reported. Re-compile and double check exactly which line of code is being flagged and post it here if you want some help.
Unrelated to your question: In your 'Load_ROM' procedure
- Did you really want those spaces in your file name?
- If you intend to synthesize this code, do you really intend to have a two dimensional array of 32 bit integers? RAM is a one dimensional array, not two. If you're implementing a two dimensional structure, you will need to restructure it as a one dimensional array in order to synthesize to internal RAM. If not, the 2d array will be implemented with flip flops...lots of them.
- The "if (clk = '1')then" needs to be removed. Your procedure outputs a table which is performed statically, there should be no dependency on 'clk'.
Dont know why I had it in my head you could not. :S
Velu: I dont really know what you're asking. Your code discribes a rom - there is no transformation in the code. I have no idea what the image is, or the format. WHat you describe seems to just be an image streamer. You're starting sort of the right lines, but you have many problems just trying to read the data from a file. Have you even started writing the sobel edge detection yet?