VHDL Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple constant drivers

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Newbie level 4
Apr 10, 2014
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Hi all,

I am creating a program to move an object around the screen through my DE2 board. I am currently trying to create a clock with enough delay so the object does not move too quickly. When I reset my clock, which is a signal, back to zero I get the error "Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net "clk_half_sec[14]"" for the entire std_logic_vector.

resetting clk_3 is the line that causes me problems. As soon as I comment it out, the file will compile fine. This code segment is within a if(rising_edge(clk_2)), which is within a process statement.
if(clk_3 = X"F424") then
	l_side <= l_side+1;
	r_side <= r_side+1;
	clk_3 <= x"0000";
end if;

signal clk_3 : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);

I have no idea why this error is happening. Any help would be great. Please let me know if you want to see more the program.

Given the usage of the word "program" I assume you're thinking in terms of software and wrote your code accordingly. You are obviously generating clk_3 someplace else in a different if statement. Doing so doesn't work the same way as software, signals in VHDL aren't "global". Post the entire code not just a snippet.

You're also creating output clocks from registers that you seem to be using as clocks. In general for FPGAs this is a bad practice as architecturally they don't have predictable routing access to the clock buffers from the fabric.


Multiple constant drivers occurs when you drive the same signal from two or more processes. An assingment outside of a process counts as a stand alone process.
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