VHDL codes for the phase accumulator and the LUT required in NCO

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Re: nco code


Re: nco code

haha,I can see my figure,because
there is one time ,i did so.
you can use the rom in the fpga then,read them out, it is quite easy.

Re: nco code list

hi Mansuro,

Can please explain me how does the nco in the attached picture work. I don't understand the process. What's the offset = 1/16?? and why in "CosineRom" the input and the output are "Entree: in std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
output: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)".


Re: nco code list


I went through your code and the other code as well. My question is, does the NCO require any calculation or is it just a pointer for phase parameters ?
In the other code there are some calculations (din_buf = din(11)& etc.). Are these calculations application specific ? In your code it is just the input and
the output. So when someone tells me to simulate a NCO in general, what should I do ?

Thanks in advance.

"din_buf = din(11)& etc" isn't actually a calculation, it's a resize operation with sign extension, done in somewhat unelegant way. The adder operation of the phase accumulator and the optional offset addition are real calculations, however.
"din_buf = din(11)& etc" isn't actually a calculation, it's a resize operation with sign extension, done in somewhat unelegant way. The adder operation of the phase accumulator and the optional offset addition are real calculations, however.

Yeah okay,. Is the NCO very different from a COS ROM ? And are the real calculations standard for NCO or do they depend on the usage/application of the NCO ?

The phase accumulator is a core component of every NCO, the offset is optional. There are additional options like FM and AM inputs.

I am not getting how cosrom works in nco whether it is giving phase value or amplitude value

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