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It’s a clock with beautiful turquoise lamps. I used already checked solutions. Main diagram of the clock and processor I found at the internet. Based on those diagrams I made two new boards for Russian lamps IW-22. To power the lamps I used MC34063 box ( DC/AC conventer)
Device is controlled by Atmega8 and real time clock DS1307. Processor is hold by 0,1F/5.5V condenser.
VFD lamps needs about 1,2V. Voltage of nets and anodes is higher – about 30V. To set those parameters I used MC34063 boxes. Diagram for conventers can be found in cathalogue for both :step up and step down, configurations.
Output voltage we can count by very simple equation V=1,25*(1+R1/R2). By choosing R1 and R2 we can easily get right voltage ( for step down should be R1=1,2k; step-up R1=2,2k).
You can count that the smallest output voltage is 1,25V, perfect for our lamps. Unfortunately glowing current is about 100mA what with 6 lamps gives about 500mA that’s too much for that converter. 6 lamps in parallel connection cause that converter get heat. Series connection is better, but not perfect because lamps don’t flash the same. First one is the brightness last one darkest.
Net voltage can be set by potentiometer.
At the pictures you will “ghosts” but it is thought of long time of shoot. It could be nice to get some “dots” between numbers. Green and blue diodes doesn’t look nice, it’s a shame that they don’t makes turquoise.
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