Very Compact AC to DC Converter Design, Source For Very Small Components

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Newbie level 4
Oct 8, 2014
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Hello everyone, i am making a wireless charger for my phone. I need to fit a small ac to dc circuit in my phone's back(<1mm).
I can't find small diodes ( i need to convert 5v, 1a or more). Can you post a schematic with small parts ? Thanks.

Most phones have a charger circuit inside that needs 5VDC. If you rectify 5VAC then it produces fluctuating 5V, not steady 5VDC because a pretty big filter capacitor is also needed.
How will you make the 5VAC wireless? With huge coils?

I will use a microcontroller to make a 200khz signal, then through transistor, and then through a coil with capacitor (parallel).
Then in the receiver same coil with a capacitor, and then i would need to convert the ac to dc.
Some ideas???
Sorry for bad english...

To get a DC current as high as 1A and using a frequency of 200kHz then the coils will probably be fairly large and/or have a ferrite core.
Since the coils probably must touch together then why not use a plug and jack?

For wireless charging, you want to operate at a higher frequency to allow small component sizes, 200kHz is good. Look for the wireless charging standards like Qi and you'll find chips for transmitting and receiving.

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Thanks, but i need to do it for a project, so these microchips are not a good idea. I do not need to communicate with my device or to make it very efficient

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