I wonder any suggestions for verilog/sv parser for multi-modules.
My task is to analyze the signal connection relationship in top module. To understand that, you can not just parse one module but multiple modules to know the input/output relationship. The tool like verible-verilog-syntax only works on one module and have no way to extract information like that.
I checked tools like Verilator or Yosys but it will take tons of effort to install and compile file hierarchy. Anybody had such experience before thus can suggest?
If yes, any python/perl wrapper of the tool for parsing work like this?
My task is to analyze the signal connection relationship in top module. To understand that, you can not just parse one module but multiple modules to know the input/output relationship. The tool like verible-verilog-syntax only works on one module and have no way to extract information like that.
I checked tools like Verilator or Yosys but it will take tons of effort to install and compile file hierarchy. Anybody had such experience before thus can suggest?
If yes, any python/perl wrapper of the tool for parsing work like this?