Verilog n-bit wide 2x1 Mux

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Oct 3, 2006
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Dear All,

I had written verilog HDL behavioral code for 4 bit 2x1 mux but my requirement is that i want a generalized code so that i can call it from top level module based upon width of my data.

I want that mux code to behave as 4-bit wide 2X1 mux or on requirement 8-bit wide 2x1 mux as well in same design.Any suggestion how can i adjust this bit width problem in verilog.One way is to call that 4-bit wide 2x1 mux twice to get functionality of 8-bit wide 2x1 mux but i do not want that.Actually my requirement in a design is to use 4 bit 2X1 mux as well as 8-bit 2X1 mux that i intend 2 implement from a general n-bit 2x1 mux.


The mux is just one line of behavioral code, using assign out=(sel)?in2:in1, the bitwidth should be defined by module defparam, that can be changed in the instantiation.

yes i knew code for mux as well as defparam too.but defparam is non-synthesizable construct so it is ruled out too.any other way of doing it..

FYI "defparam" is synthesizable. Will be interesting to know which synthesis tool is not supporting "defparam" construct.

For your scenario, you can implement like this :

mux #(.WIDTH(4)) mux_1(.sel(sel0),.a(a0),.b(b0),z(z0));
mux #(.WIDTH(8)) mux_2(.sel(sel1),.a(a1),.b(b1),z(z1));

module mux(sel,a,b,z);
input [WIDTH-1:0] a,b;
output [WIDTH-1:0]z;
input sel;

assign z = sel ? a : b;
I had read it in books and googled it before writing it in post.Please browse it to topic 14.4 Unsupposrted constructs of this link and tell me as well.
Yes your second parametrized approach is right.Thanks for it.

There is no LRM which states what are synthesizable constructs.

defparam is supported by XST(Xilinx), Synplify Pro, Synopsys-DC if i remember correctly.

To give you an example : "initial" construct is supported by XST(ex : to initialize memory), where as Synplify pro does not support.
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