I want to replace the blocking statements with non-blocking staements in the following code without changing the functionality of the code .
I am newbie at verilog. can someone please guide me on how to go ahead with this problem?
module q4(out ,in,clock,reset)
output out ;
input in,clock,reset ;
reg out;
reg[7:0] data;
always @ (negedge reset of posedge clock) begin
if (~reset) data = 8b'1111 1111;
else begin
data = data << 1;
data[0] = in;
if(data == 8'b0111 1110) out = 1; else
out = 0; end
There is no need to use a non-blocking assignment to data since it is read and written withing thew same always block.
You do want to use a non-blocking assignment to out since it may be read on the same clock edge in another module.
module q4(
output reg out,
input wire in,clock,reset
reg[7:0] data;
always @ (negedge reset or posedge clock) begin
if (~reset) data = 8b'1111_1111;
else begin
data = {data[6:0], in};
if(data == 8'b0111_1110)
out <= 1;
out <= 0;
This question was asked to me in an interview. Was curious as to how it could be done.
Btw even i replied to the question with a code similar to what you have suggested.
what could be the another way of doing it by completely eliminating the blocking statements.