Similar to all style conventions, everyone has their own preference. IMO, the most useful rule is to try to maintain whatever style a file already uses if the file already exists.
UPPER_CASE is normally used for `define and parameters. Some people also use them for ports. Some people use them for ports that are IO for the fpga. I generally associate UPPER_CASE ports to be something generated by code generators.
lower_case seems to be the preferred name for basically everything else.
UpperCamelCase can be used, but is less common. I've seen this used for port names in the past.
lowerCamelCase is also a thing, but I've never really seen it used in vhdl/verilog. Other than for kConstantName.
port ordering is mostly reset/clock followed by input interfaces followed by output interfaces. The goal is to give a top-to-bottom reading order. I have also seen this reversed -- it places reset last which avoids the annoying comma issues. Reversing also places the most important ports first -- the outputs of a module are why the module exists.
everyone also has an opinion on tabs vs spaces and tab width. I default to 2, but have seen 3, 4, and 8 used. I've given up on tabs although I find the concept to be useful.
directions in ports can be done with i_prefix, suffix_i, in_prefix, suffix_in, CamelSuffixIn, InCamelPrefix, iCamelPrefix, or omitted. The name should indicate the direction as seen by the module. Basically, always name ports as if the current module is the top level module in a design. In some case the SPI-style MOSI/MISO format is useful. This specifies the connection of the port in cases where the name might be confusing. Clock/reset generally don't have direction in the name unless the module generates the clock/reset.
In some cases, pipeline delay registers will be given names like pipe_ddd, pipe_d3, pipe_3d, pipe_rrr, etc... d3 vs the others is the only one that might have an issue. In the past, some tools would use a number suffix to indicate a bus. This might not be true of modern tools, but does explain why pipe_3d might be used. My preference is to use _r for sample-delays and _d for cycle-delays, but this is not that commonly done.
I've also seen names of clock, clk, ck, and c. Reset, clear, rst, clr, aclr, rstn, etc... In general, giving a clock a rate specifier is less desirable than a function specifier. This is because a module might get used with different clocks. That said, the practice is fairly common. clk_156m25 might be a 156.25MHz clock for example. There is also an issues when multiple similar rates are used -- eg 125MHz from a crystal and 125MHz from a networked device.
I find it weird to have the vhdl-ish "end else begin" mixed with single line if/else. Likewise, some devs like myself avoid the "goto fail" style if/else blocks. There are also devs that will place end on a different line, or place end/else/begin on their own line. It is weird to start a line with "end", but that is the choice Verilog made.
You also have "input wire" but didn't specify `default_nettype none. That is another anti-feature in Verilog that should be disabled.
Some devs will columnize the port names. This allows editors that have b-editing to instantiate the module a little easier. Other devs don't like this as it adds additional edits any time the port map is updated.
Some devs will also include a line for RS232_TX <= RS232_TX, while others will omit this line as it is the default if RS232_TX hasn't been previously assigned.
Most devs will use the if (reset) else nomal-code. There is also a style that places the reset block at the end of the always block. This is more common in FPGA design where data busses often don't get a reset.
Some coding standards have a line limit. Likewise some code standards would prefer giving 1, 24, 40, 56, 72, 88, 104, 120, 136, and 155 names/calculations.
For your example, it looks fairly standard other than the port names being in upper case. That is usually reserved for defines or constants.
Overall, there are few style choices that are agree on.