Re: Edge Singularity
Hi GoaGosha -- Sorry for long time to reply, I have been traveling all week (gave my Life of Maxwell presentation many times, regularly setting all time attendence records at MTT Chapter meetings).
As for your question, I am not familar with "electron relaxation times". If you want to get into electron specific phenomena (not needed for this problem), you should consider quantum electrodynamics (QED), a very difficult area. In Maxwell's equations, electric current is considered as a continuous mathematical field (i.e., a vector defined over a space). Of course, in reality, we know it to be the flow of billions of tiny electrons, but that makes no difference for this problem.
When we talk about a "charge distribution" in regards to a TEM line, we are talking about the quasi-static model. In other words if certain requirements are met, you can use the electrostatic charge distribution to obtain the Zo of a transmission line. It turns out that the electrostatic charge distribution equals the RF current distribution if these requirements are met.
The requirement is that the transmission line must be TEM. This means at least two things: 1) The dielectric must be exactly the same everywhere, and 2) the metal must be everywhere a perfect conductor.
Note that these two conditions are not sufficient. For example, rectangular waveguide meets these conditions, but it is not TEM. However, any transmission line that does not meet these two conditions is also not TEM.
Lossless stripline meets these two conditions and is TEM. Lossy microstrip fails both conditions. However, we can still use a static analysis as long as the conditions are almost true.
For typical microstrip situations, the fact that there are two dielectrics (air and substrate) only adds some dispersion. The dispersion becomes important only at high frequency. Thus the quasi-static result for Zo is not very good for high frequency.
For typical microstrip situations, R per unit length is much less than ωL per unit length. Thus, we can still use the quasi-static solution. However at low frequency, ωL goes to zero and R per unit length becomes important. Here too, the quasi static result fails once more.
For real world (lossy) stripline, the quasi-static result fails at high frequency, when skin effect loss starts increasing. It also fails at low frequency when R becomes more important than ωL.
Thus, in real world situations (lossy stripline, or microstrip), the RF current distribution is no longer independent of frequency and is not equal to the quasistatic charge distribution. In fact, it is the variation with frequency that is very important to include if you want a high accuracy solution. This variation with frequency that has been the topic of a lot of research over the last three decades or so.
If you take the Sonnet (or any EM analysis) low enough in frequency, you will see a large change in current distribution as the edge singularity goes away. Variation at high frequency can be very small, but it is still important because that is what causes dispersion.