hello friends i have a pic32 device which communicate to USB cdc protocol. but my problem is VCAP(CDDCORE) capacitor value . i have try 10uf/50v , 47uf/25v , 22uf/25v 0.1uf and 47uf/50v different type of capacitor on this pin to ground. but i cannot communicate my device. in some 47uf/50v capacitor works like charm but in datasheet say this pin value between -0.3v to 2.0v and when i measure this pin voltage i get 1.82 v . so every time when i get 1.82v then my communication failed and some capacitor 47uf/50v added i get 1.83v or 1.84v then communication completed. so which type of capacitor value i put on my device to work properly . please help me!!!:|