Supporting EDK6.3
I seems that every time there is a new version of this things a lot of things can go wrong when you install .
I ended up with the make file not being able to execute .
the reason was MAKE was not FOUND .. i looked at the directory xygwin. Everything seems to be there .After several hours i located the problem .You have to mess with the REGISTRY .for some reason unknown the installation didn't created the entries : "/" and "/usr/bin/"
i located the fix at the XILINX's problems data base
1. Check too determine if the "tmp" directory exists under the "$XILINX_EDK/xygwin" directory.
2. Check the Registry entry for \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Xilinx\EDK\mounts_v2\/ .
3. The "/" directory should be located under the "\mounts_v2\" directory. The entry "native" should point to "[INSTALLDIR]\xygwin", where "INSTALLDIR" is the Xilinx EDK installation location.
4. The "/usr/bin/" directory should also be under the "\mounts_v2\" directory, with the entry "native" set to "[INSTALLDIR]\xygwin\bin
Now all worked fine .. but still the HELP is not working ..but more important is the FACT that all the VENDORS boards data BASE disapeared .. I copied them from and old installation and surprise ..still XPS won't see them i compare the syntax of the XILINX boards and the old syntax and BINGO is different.
so WHAT A MESS .. more work now i need to convert or download the new files
assuming that this people have new ones!
The other problem FORTUNATLY it appears to work is that the XilinxReferenceDesigns only contains one folder .No traces of all the LPB & OPB examples ..
i copied them from 6.2 ..And they are now VISIBLE ..
i'm still unable to make BUS WRAPPERS that i downloaded from
that are supposed to just be dropped .. They are VISIBLE alright ! But don't compile...
This PEOPLE have APPENDED a JAVA interface to a UNIX ported to WINDOWS
because of that THERE ARE HUNDREDS of FILES and is easy to get LOST
when there is an error .It takes time ... I BET the same GUYS that used to work
FOR TRISCEND are now in CHARGE ..I know that all got HIRED when XILINX acquired TRISCEND ..And the same TYPE OF PROBLEM that i use to DEAL with when PLAYING with TRISCEND have reocurred here ..