Variable DC-DC converter

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L & C values are selected as per calculations. and Fs is 300Hz

Usually the buck converter operates in hundreds of khz. Thats what i have seen. With Fs = 300 hz the L and C values would be much higher. why can't attach or give your calculations here. also attach scope shots. There is nothing called pulsating DC. It is DC or AC signal. Buck converters are meant to provide DC regulated output from DC input.

Hi All,

The attached circuit is the recent one in which Im working.
the problem with this circuit is if duty cycle is 100% the current delivered to motor is 0A and voltage is maximum and if duty cycle is 0 the current supplied is maximum and voltage is minimum.
could anyone tel me the problem behind this circuit

All of a sudden you have changed the circuit. Are you still talking about the DC DC converter or are you now concerned about motor drive?
Also specify clearly which current and which voltage you refer to with variation in duty cycle @ o/p of 555 timer.

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