lm317 3.3v regulator
From 9V power supply, you can use LM317 to create 5V down to 2V with no problem, but lower than 1.5V is problem as it is about the reference voltage.
The LM317 datasheet from National semi provides most complete info, including how to create the voltage from 0V upward by a LM317 with a minor addition to the circuit - the - rail and a 1.2V reference which is used to compensate the LM317 internal reference voltage.
Feedback if you do not have a - rail, as you need to create it.
Added after 8 minutes:
Regarding the datasheets, my experience is: trying to find out the ones from the manufacturers' website, especially the original inventor-manufacturer, for example LMxxxx ICs from Nationnal Semiconductor website, Txxxxx from TI, Mxxxx from ONsemi, Freescal (formerly Motorola semiconductors), etc, ...
The datasheets from manufacturers are always free, and usually contain the most fully set of info like technical characteristics, application hints, circuit examples, ... while the datasheets from any other sources, especially free ones, only contain the most essential info as technical characteristics.
It is also easy to find out the datasheets from manufacturers' website, just "google" the keyword and then look for the link from manufacturer.
Only looking for the datasheets from any free sources, like datasheetarchive.com in the worst situation.
Hope that may help.