UZEBOX or second life of PEGASUS

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Advanced Member level 4
Aug 2, 2011
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This device was based on: **broken link removed**. It uses Pegasus – cheap video console which was very popular some time ago. Simplicity of UZEBOX project is a big advantage when you want to use it in a video game. You can design your own PCBs instead of original two-sided board. Housing from Pegasus was processed and adapted to needs of the project. To facilitate the assembly, the whole device was divided into two modules: one is the control system and the second is SD card reader. All that was connected by HEADERS to make possible disassembly easier. You can add a RGB-NTSC converter. Instead of SNES inputs, there are FAMICOM sockets, although the most significant modification was that the RGB signal was derived to single outputs, so you can resign from an expensive converter RGB-NTSC.

Most of the elements are easily available, but it can be difficult to get a resonator with a non typical frequency 28.63636MHz and precise resistors.

PCBs in Sprint Layout, schematic of pads (you can create your own as well – you just need two CD4021, 8-bit shift register and few 10kohm resistors), schematic of the console and a sample game can be found on the original page of the project LINK.


  • 8-bit game console
  • resolution 240x224 pixels
  • two ports SNES, NES (FAMICOM)
  • NTSC RCA (composite)
  • audio RCA output
  • SD/MMC card support
  • AVR core from Atmel. 64KB of FLESH memory and 4KB of RAM (Atmega644)
  • programming STk500
  • writing own games in C
  • 9V supply

List of available games: LINK.

And a video:

Link to original thread (useful attachment) - UZEBOX czyli drugie życie PEGASUSA

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