Yes, I've seen many of those chips at this point. However, I'm trying to build this transmitter without using a microcontroller (all the integrated PLL/VCOs seem to have digital settings). In other words, I'm trying to design it so you can just solder the parts to a pcb and turn it on. The reason is that I expect that people with no experience in electronics or code-writing may need to build this device.
With that in mind, are you aware of any VCO/PLL devices with non-code requiring settings? I.e. you set some resistor and it makes the frequency you want.
In the event that no such thing exists, I'm coming back to just using a VCO by itself. I'm wondering - how bad is the frequency drift likely to be? +/- 10MHz? 20MHz? Worse? I figure if it's less than 50-100MHz than I should be OK.
Finally, thanks for all your comments so far, you've taught me a whole lot of new things!