Using USB port with Matlab for data acquisition

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Advanced Member level 2
Aug 23, 2005
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Islamabad Pakistan
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I want to make a data acquisition in matlab can I use USB port with matlab ???

Re: Matlab and USB port

There is one toolbox for data acquisition, saw it on one presentation where one have controlled some hydraulic cylinders via PCI card. But i think it is possible to configure it to use COM port. As usb can be configured as virtual com port, it should be fine.

Re: Matlab and USB port

Matlab doesn't seem to have the native support for that but you can do that in multiple ways.

[1]Use Virtual COM port. It will be more suitable when you want to do real time data acquisition.
If you haven't decided upon USB module tha will collect data, look at FTDI.

[2] Matlab can interface with C. Make DLLs that get data from the USB port (again you can use WinUSB) and use the DLL interface to get data in Matlab. That can also give you real time behavior for any amount of data.

[3] Read data from USB and save to some file and read that in matlab. Useful if data is large but real time behaviro isn't needed. You can use WinUSB api to get data from USB.
Re: Matlab and USB port


Matlab and USB port

i have an usb fingerprint sensor ,i need to connect this sensor with matlab to read an image stores in any file.please help with least time

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