Using prolific usb to serial com port instead of usb serial port

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Full Member level 6
Dec 22, 2006
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Delhi , India
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I have build an c# application which connects to an embedded mcu based hardware via uart communication . I have used mcp2200 .So i am connecting the system as follows :

mcu tx-rx --->max232----->db9 female connector ----> dm9 m connector on module pcb---->max232 on module pcb ---->mcp2200 on module pcb-----> usb connector on module pcb ----->cable usb------> usb port on laptop......

please find the attached images for reference....

Now the Question is that :

The c# application wass made using mcp2200 module in mind . But the mcp2200 gets disconnected very often and there is error that usb device not recognised.

That is why i want to use prolific usb-serial comm port.

I want to know will that be compatible . Is the device class same for both : usb serial port (mcp2200 ) and (prolific usb-serial comm port) .
I tried running prolific usb - serial comm port but there is no communication.

Do i need to change the program in c# application ....If yes then what should be done .....I need an overview of where i am wrong ....

If the c# application accesses the USB device as serial COM port, it should work with any USB-to-serial bridge that comes with a virtual COM port driver.
is the configuration utility for mcp2200 works without any error ?

When the usb device is not recognized message comes....config utility also shows error....

What is the error message(fields) shown in config utility ?

vid/pid doesnt match.
did you read the vid/pid of mcp2200 ic that you have?

I have 2 fresh pieces of mcp2200 which are connecting with config utility.....
But the one which i have in pcb is not connecting....

I dont know why it is not connecting....But it happens with me many times . That is why i want to use prolific usb to serial comm port external module......I just want to know that whether it will be compatible ......


But it happens with me many times .
Maybe you don´t keep on datasheet recommendations about schematic and PCB layout.
Then changing to another device may not solve the problem.

--> show us your schematic and PCB layout.



I tried running prolific usb - serial comm port but there is no communication.

What OS ?
**broken link removed** OK with win XP and win10
but need old driver 2008 for Win10 ..
direct connection to UART (without Level translator like MAX232)

i am using prolific usb to serial comm for data transfer to laptop ....
But i just figured out that my prolific converter is not transmitting or receiving......Though it is showing connected in device manager.
using in windows 7....

tested in xp as well as windows 7 communication.....

mcu uart-----> max232-----> prolific connector -----> cable-----> usb connector to laptop....
No communication.

Tried to transfer a byte of data to prolific converter .But not receiving in hyper terminal......


you used the same UART setup on both ends?
Your baud rates are within the specified tolerance?
All your RxD and TxD connections are correct?
You use the specified voltage levels?


i am using prolific usb to serial comm for data transfer to laptop ....
mcu uart-----> max232-----> prolific connector -----> cable-----> usb connector to laptop....
No communication....

don't use a max232 beetween MCU UART and Prolific 2303 cable !
you will destroy MCU UART or Prolific input
have a look on the link post #10
is your cable a 2303 model ? TTL <-> USB

Looking at the USB to serial board on your pictures I am amazed that it works at all, the amount of crud across the tracks caused by corrosion particularly around the legs of the IC's makes me think that this could be a cause of your problem.

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