How do I program a PIC16F628a to work like an eprom memory or let's say if I input this code 000100 in the input terminals RA1, RA2,... RA7 I'll give this code 10101001 in the output terminals RB1, RB2...RB8. I think this is the same like to program an eprom memory, the only care must be taken is that use a volatile memory inside the PIC to compare if the input code stays the same no change in the output so there will be changes in the output only when there is change in the input because this code will be used to program parallel a PLL that's very fast.
There will be a total of 80 combinations with 7 bit code in the inputs that must correspond to 80 combinations with 8 bit code in the output but I need only one noted combination to understand how to program input, output and logic.
Something like this:
RA1, RA2, RA3, RA4, RA5, RA6, RA7 = 7 bit world memory called input
RB1, Rb2, RB3, RB4, RB5, RB6, RB7, RB8 = 8 bit world memory called input
If input = 000100 then output = 10101001
If input = 000101 then output = 10101111
And son on....
I really will appreciate use PIC because EPROM memories are expensive, hard to find and program.
Fernando - Call sign PU2PLL