using oscilliscope to find inductor value


Newbie level 6
Oct 7, 2017
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I have a solar mppt charge controller. it has synchronous buck converter and rated at 80mps output.
i have installed higher capacity mosfets , schotkey diodes . but i want to tune its inductace value.
if the inductor is installed and being operational can i use oscilliscope to find its inductance value and give few inductors a try .i want to tweak its output amps to higher ones.

Greater or lesser inductor Henry value might be able to increase power by a certain amount. Saturation rating in particular is a key parameter. It has to do with the flux building and collapsing sufficiently to deliver your desired Ampere level. Also thicker wire in the inductor.

This simple circuit provides clues as to the inductor's Henry value and its ability to convey power. Each cycle builds current in the inductor (in the downward direction), until the transistors turn off and current travels upward through the diode and load in the second half of the cycle. Operation is similar to a buck-boost converter.

Test by adjusting supply voltage and bias resistors. Observe frequency changes. Look for condition where coil generates much less current during 'discharge' cycle than it absorbs during 'charge' cycle.

--- Updated ---

To run above circuit, click link below which opens Falstad's website, loads my schematic into the animated interactive simulator, and runs it on your computer:
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