Using MCP 2221 with Python

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Advanced Member level 3
Nov 3, 2018
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I normally use PIC 16F Microcontroller with MCP 2221 which serve as UART to USB bridge. The MCP 2221 device appear as Virtual Com and I just need to set Baud Rate in Putty to start communication PIC 16F Microcontroller. I guess UART to USB falls into CDC class.

I want to try MCP 2221 without PIC Microcontroller. Here I have some basic questions.

How about if I intend to control directly the GPIOs of MCP 2221 or to read I2C based temperature sensor connected to MCP 2221 and want to read temperature sensor through Python program without PIC Microcontroller. Would this be CDC class or HID class ? Would MCP 2221 device appear as Virtual Com or not ? Do I need to set Baud rate ?

HID for GPIO control is already mentioned on the product page. For detailed information, you want to read the datasheet.


Hi, this means that for I2C and GPIO is HID class.

Would MCP 2221A device appear as Virtual Com in device manager if used for HID class application ? if yes, do we need to set Baud rate ?

Do I need any physical programmer if I use Circuit Python libraries from Adafruit ?


HID doesn't appear as virtual com port. Review the libraries provided my Microchip.

Nonvolatile configuration is set with MCP2221 configuration tool through USB, no programmer needed.

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