I assume your schematic is correct.
But this is a high frequency, high current switching circuit.
It needs a carefully designed PCB layout. Extremely short traces, fast decoupling capacitors at any DC node..and they all need to be connected to a solid GND plane. Single GND traces have too high stray inductance. This causes ringing and high voltage overshot during switching.
These overshots are short in time, maybe only a couple of nanoseconds, but they hurt the semiconductor internal isolation barrier. Not immediately. Such circuits may run a couple of seconds ...or up to several month until the isolation barrier totalky brakes down.
The board you are using is not useful for such circuits. At least a two layer PCB is needed.
An experienced user may be able to modify your circuit...a capacitor here, a diode there, a resistor to reduce rise and fall times...and it may work reliably.
I recommend to read some design notes, application notes, datasheets of MOSFETs and their gate drivers. Usually they explain how to design an appropriate layout.
With a fast scope you may see the overshots.