AMEBA RTL8722DM Ameba RTL8722DM is a low-power dual-band WLAN and BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy) SoC by Realtek. The RTL8722DM also include memory for Wi-Fi protocol functions and application making it simple for anyone to develop various kind of IoT applications. At the same time it has a wide range of peripheral interfaces. With all these interfaces, it can connect to most of the electronics components like LEDs, temperature and humidity sensors, and so on.
With BLE, application data is sent and received using the GATT system. GATT uses services, characteristics, and attributes to organise data and control how the data can be read from and written to. The Bluetooth SIG specification for BLE includes several predefined services for common applications, but users are free to implement custom services and characteristics to best fit their data structure and application needs. In this example, the BLEService and BLECharacteristic classes are used to implement a custom service for transmitting ASCII characters similar to regular UART. This custom service is the Nordic UART Service, which is supported in several smartphone apps.
In this example, a smartphone app is used to transmit commands over BLE UART to control the PWM outputs and change the color of a RGB LED. Refer to the other example guides for detailed explanations of the BLE UART service.
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