Can m be binary numbers in the replication operator which is shown below? Here m is the replicator.
{m{variable for replicating}}
For example, in the below example a is replicated by 4'b0100. So m in below example is 4'b0100. Is it valid to write synrhesizble rtl code with the m in binary as shown below?
wire [3:0] x;
wire a;
assign x = { 4'b0100{a}};
Normally we see m to be in decimal in synthsizable rtl code that uses replication operator. So this question being asked.
In case of doubt review Verilog language reference manual. It requires a "non-negative, non-x, and non-z constant expression" for the concatenation constant but no specific number format.
In case of doubt review Verilog language reference manual. It requires a "non-negative, non-x, and non-z constant expression" for the concatenation constant but no specific number format.