I am wishing to place a small circuit on each of my power rails between my power supply and test circuits so that I can tell when a voltage rail goes over current. I have found a circuit that I think will work nicely for the positive voltage rails, but I'm not 100% sure how to make it work for the negative voltages. Below is an example of the positive voltage circuit, the switch would be replaced by a re-settable fuse and the load would be placed between S1/R1 and ground.
Can I reverse/change the transistors for the negative voltages or will I also need to reconfigure the bias resistors as well. If so what would be the best way to reconfigure the circuit?
Thanks for the reply, I was fairly certain that the circuit would work for a positive voltage rail, my question is how to make the idea work for a negative voltage.
ps. what program did you simulate the circuit in? I like the way the current paths appear to be highlighted when active, and the leads changed colour.
Thank you E-design for your circuit, this circuit should be perfect, it handles both the positive and negative voltages and will allow me to use either two leg or three leg bi-colour leds. All I need to do is adjust the resistor values to suit the different voltages.
The simulator is Falstad's interactive animated simulator. Free to download and use at www.falstad.com/circuit.
I had it create a weblink containing my entire schematic. It will open the falstad website, load my schematic into his simulator, and run it on your computer.