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list p=16f1503 ; define processor
#include p16f1503.inc ; processor specific variable definitions
errorlevel -302
ORG 0x000 ; Reset vector.
goto Main ; Go to main program.
ORG 0x004 ; Interrupt vector location
; NOTE: W, STATUS, BSR, FSTs & PCLATH are saved
; automatically in Shadow regs (Bank 31)
retfie ; Return from interrupt.
banksel OSCCON ; Switch to Bank 1.
movlw b'01111000' ; Internal OSC = 16 MHz
movwf OSCCON
btfss OSCSTAT, HFIOFR ; Internal OSC running?
goto $-1 ; No, loop until running.
btfss OSCSTAT, HFIOFS ; OSC stable?
goto $-1 ; No, loop until stable.
; Initialize
banksel ANSELA ; Switch to Bank 3.
clrf ANSELC ; PORTC = Digital I/O.
clrf ANSELA ; PORTA = Digital I/O.
; NOTE: 16F1503 has only A & C while 16F1508 has B too.
banksel OPTION_REG ; Switch to Bank 1.
movlw b'11000010' ; Pull-ups Off, TMR0 Prescaler = 1:8
movlw b'11111101' ; RC1 output (pin 9)
movwf TRISC ; PORTC setup
movlw b'11101111' ; RA4 output (pin 3)
movwf TRISA ; PORTA setup
banksel APFCON ; Switch to Bank 2.
clrf APFCON ; NCO1 function is on RC1 (pin 9).
banksel NCO1CLK ; Switch to Bank 9.
movlw b'01100000' ; NCO output pulse 8 clocks, clock source HFINTOSC (16 MHz).
movwf NCO1CLK
clrf NCO1ACCU ; Clear the Accumulator.
clrf NCO1INCH ; High Incr. register = 0 (must come before NCOINCL).
movlw b'10000100' ; Low Incr. register = 66d
movwf NCO1INCL ; Fovrflw = (NCO Clock x Incr.Value)/(2^20)=1008 /2=504Hz squarewave
movlw b'11010000' ; Enable NCO(b7), enable O/P, O/P low, O/P active high, fixed DC.
movwf NCO1CON
goto Loop ; Do nothing else.
An almost perfect sweep can be performed by using a PIC hardware timer in pwm mode with 50 % duty cycle, reloading timer period and pulse duration after each pulse in the interrupt. The respective period ramp can be either loaded from a look-up table or calculated incrementally on the fly. Or simply toogle the pulse output in the timer interrupt. This adds quite a bit of jitter to the tone frequency but also simplifies operation.
Just to have any value as an example.You assumed 10 steps, but why?
[syntax=asm] list p=16f1508 ; Define processor
#include p16f1508.inc ; Standard variable definitions
; +---u---+
; Vdd <|1 20|> Vss
; RA5 <|2 19|> RA0/ICSPDAT
; RA4 <|3 18|> RA1/ICSPCLK
; MCLR/Vpp/RA3 <|4 17|> RA2
; CWG1A/RC5 <|5 16|> RC0
; CWG1B/RC4 <|6 15|> RC1
; RC3 <|7 14|> RC2
; RC6 <|8 13|> RB4
; RC7 <|9 12|> RB5
; RB7 <|10 11|> RB6
; +-------+
; --------------------------------------
; Configuration Bits & Error Level
; --------------------------------------
errorlevel -302 ; Suppress assembler Messages pertaining to banks, so be careful!
; --------------------------------------
; Core Registers (present in all Banks)
; --------------------------------------
; --------------------------------------
ORG 0x000 ; Reset vector.
goto Main ; Go to main program.
ORG 0x004 ; Interrupt vector location
; NOTE: W, STATUS, BSR, FSTs & PCLATH are saved
; automatically in Shadow regs (Bank 31)
retfie ; Return from interrupt.
; ---------[ Interrupts ]-------------------------------------------
movlw b'01000000' ; Interrupts disabled, PEIE bit6 enabled
clrf INTCON ; INTCON is a Core Register (in all banks)
banksel PIE2 ; [Bank 1]
movlw b'00000100' ; NCO1IE = 1 (enabled) for NCO Interrupts
movwf PIE2
banksel PIR2 ; [Bank 0]
clrf PIR2 ; Peripheral Inter. Flags (NCO1IF bit2 = 1 on Accum.Overflow)
; ---------[ Oscillator Setup ]--------------------------------------
banksel OSCCON ; [Bank 1]
movlw b'01111000' ; Internal OSC = 16 MHz
movwf OSCCON
btfss OSCSTAT, HFIOFR ; Internal OSC running?
goto $-1 ; No, loop until running.
btfss OSCSTAT, HFIOFS ; OSC stable?
goto $-1 ; No, loop until stable.
; ---------[ Ports & I/O Setup ]------------------------------------
banksel PORTA ; [Bank 0] Initialize Ports.
clrf PORTA
clrf PORTB
clrf PORTC
banksel LATA ; [Bank 2] Clear data Latches.
clrf LATA
clrf LATB
clrf LATC
banksel ANSELA ; [Bank 3] Setup I/O.
clrf ANSELA ; PORTA = Digital I/O.
clrf ANSELB ; PORTB = Digital I/O. (NOTE: missing on 16F1503)
clrf ANSELC ; PORTC = Digital I/O.
banksel OPTION_REG ; [Bank 1]
movlw b'11000010' ; Pull-ups Off, TMR0 Prescaler = 1:8
movlw b'11111111' ; Make CWG1A & CWG1B Inputs for now. (See CWG Setup below.)
movlw b'00000000' ; All outputs
movlw b'11101111' ; RA4 the only Output (pin 3)
; ---------[ CWG Setup ]------------------------------------------
; The sequence below follows "26.11 Configuring the CWG" in the PIC16(L)F1508/9 datasheet:
; http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/40001609E.pdf
; CWG1A (RC1) & CWG1B (RC0) are configured as Inputs for now.
banksel CWG1CON0 ; [Bank 13]
bcf CWG1CON0, 7 ; Clear GxEN (bit 7) to Disable CWG.
movlw .20 ; Put 20d into "CWG Rising DEAD-BAND Count Register"
movwf CWG1DBR ; (20 clock cycles = 1.25us @ HFINTOSC=16MHz)
movlw .20 ; Put 20d into "CWG Falling DEAD-BAND Count Register"
movwf CWG1DBF
movlw b'10000000' ; GxASE(b7)=1, GxARSEN(b6)=0
movwf CWG1CON2 ; (CWG in Shutdown State, Auto-Restart Disabled)
movlw b'10100110' ; CWG1A & CWG1B outputs LO on Shutdown, Source = NCO1
movwf CWG1CON1
movlw b'01100001' ; Leave GxEN=0, CWG1A/B to Output pins, Normal Polarity, HFINTOSC
movwf CWG1CON0
bsf CWG1CON0, 7 ; Set GxEN (bit 7) to Enable CWG.
banksel TRISC ; [Bank 1]
movlw b'11111100' ; RC0=CWG1B, RC1=CWG1B (set to Outputs)
movwf TRISC ; PORT C
banksel CWG1CON2 ; [Bank 13]
bcf CWG1CON2, 7 ; Clear GxASE to start the CWG.
; ---------[ NCO Setup ]------------------------------------------
banksel APFCON ; [Bank 2]
clrf APFCON ; NCO1 function is on RC1 (NCO not using pin. See NC01CON below.)
banksel NCO1CLK ; [Bank 9]
clrf NCO1CLK ; NxPWS n/a due to fixed DC, clock source HFINTOSC (16 MHz).
clrf NCO1ACCU ; Clear the Accumulator (UPPER->HI->LO).
clrf NCO1INCH ; HI Incr.Value = 0 (NCO1INCH must execute before NCOINCL)
movlw .66 ; LO Incr.Value = 66d
movwf NCO1INCL ; Foverflow = (NCO Clock x Incr.Value)/(2^21)=504Hz square-wave
movlw b'10010000' ; Enable NCO, Disable Out-pin, Polarity=LO(inverted), Fixed D.C.
movwf NCO1CON ; Bit5 (NxOUT) is 1 when NCO output is HI, 0 when LO.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
goto Loop ; Do nothing else.
end [/syntax]
[syntax=c]void CWG1_Initialize(void)
// Set the CWG to the options selected in MPLAB(c) Code Configurator
// Writing to CWGxCON0, CWGxCON1, CWGxCON2, CWGxDBR & CWGxDBF registers
// G1IS NCO1OUT; G1ASDLA driven_low; G1ASDLB driven_low;
CWG1CON1 = 0xA6; //10100110
// G1ASDSC2 disabled; G1ASDSC1 disabled; G1ARSEN enabled; G1ASDSCLC2 disabled; G1ASDSFLT disabled; G1ASE no_auto_shutdown;
CWG1CON2 = 0x40; //01000000
// CWG1DBR 20to21_counts;
CWG1DBR = 0x14; //00010100
// CWG1DBF 20to21_counts;
CWG1DBF = 0x14; //00010100
// G1EN enabled; G1POLB normal_polarity; G1OEB enabled; G1POLA normal_polarity; G1OEA enabled; G1CS0 HFINTOSC;
CWG1CON0 = 0xE1; //11100001
void CWG1_LoadRiseDeadbandCount(uint8_t dutyValue)
// Writing 6 bits of rising dead band count into CWGxDBR register
CWG1DBR = dutyValue;
void CWG1_LoadFallDeadbandCount(uint8_t dutyValue)
// Writing 6 bits of rising dead band count into CWGxDBF register
CWG1DBF = dutyValue;
void CWG1_AutoShutdownEventSet()
// Setting the GxASE bit of CWGxCON2 register
CWG1CON2bits.G1ASE = 1;
void CWG1_AutoShutdownEventClear()
// Clearing the GxASE bit of CWGxCON2 register
CWG1CON2bits.G1ASE = 0;
Wonder why you switched to CWG (complementary waveform generator) now? It's primarly intended for power electronics applications. I don't see a particular purpose related to your application.
You previously stated you were using MPLAB which has an excellent debugger, do you have the simulator selected for debugging?I don't have a debugger, but even if I did,
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