Use of secondary oscillator


Advanced Member level 1
May 10, 2020
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In this device datasheet, ( , my part is WFI32E02, what is the use of SOSCI/SOSCO pins?

Like, are they mandatory for the working of WFI32E02? Or are they optional?

Going through the datasheet, I see that, we require a crystal on the SOSCI/O pins (page 633), if we want to have some flexibility using Bit 12 in Register 38-3.

Can someone clarify.


I recommend to do a PDF search about "SOSC" to see whereever the secondary oscillator may be used.


The question behind is about possible SOSC function for WiFi module. It's most likely not answered in datasheet. You rather want to review complete reference manuals.

Generally speaking, it may be required if your application involves battery supplied low power radio operation with wakeup, also if you intend to use the on-chip RTC.

on which functions does SOSC is required?
RTFM. No need to read a whole bunch of text, since there is a table showing what you ask for.

I´m not willing to again open the PDF for you, fine the table for you, and copay and past it here in the forum for you.
I like to help, but I don´t like to do other´s job for free.


What are you trying to use that chip for? That will answer your question about whether it is 'mandatory' or not.
I can tell you know that it is not mandatory if you just want to get the chip up and running.
I suggest that you also look at the relevant Family Reference Manual (FRM) sections that go into more detail about the various modules in the device family.
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