use of lef in star RC extraction tool

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Hi, are you planning on extracting gate-level placed and routed designs?

If so, one of the supported flows for Star-RC is to use Library Exchange Format (LEF) and Design Exchange Format (DEF).

LEF is used to describe the technology and standard cells.

DEF is used to describe the netlist, placement, floorplanniing, and routing.

all the technology information are giving through the tech library(nxtgrd file).
For extraction what are all the additional information are taken from the LEF file (if technology info is available in tech lib),then i think only additional information what tool can get is pin this information is required?(is it available in def itself?)

star rcxt can used different inputs files for technology definition, one flow is to used the LEF for techno info & cell/macro info, and the DEF as routing & netlist info.

---------- Post added at 14:29 ---------- Previous post was at 14:22 ----------

the nxtgrd is here to provide a cap/res table preprocess from the itf file, for the three corner.

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