use matlab in ise or ise in matlab

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Matlab and ISE can be connected with SystemGenerator for DSP subprogram of Xilinx ISE.
Google for more information "SystemGenerator for DSP".

SystemGenerator is created Xilinx blockset inside Simulink to connect Xilinx IPCores to create design just like wiring block such as Simulink.
Results are synthesizable and optimized because you use Xilinx IPCores and dedicated hardware modules such as DSP48.

Matlab in ISE: Matlab has new feature called HDL coder that you can export HDL from Matlab Simulink models, which can then be used in ISE for FPGA implementation
ISE in Matlab: ISE DSP edition has a tool called System Generator, which you can use in Simulink to create models for FPGA implementation.

hello , how can i use matlab in ise or ise in matlab?
thankyou,have you any pdf or site that I learn faster issue?
I want to import an array of std_logic that created by matlab to ise or modelsim, then the recieved result from ise or modelsim export to matlab.

by reguard,
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