I think this suits your needs
But without a spec for peak torque you need, it is hard to compare.
Old fashioned rotary switches had lots of friction and contact bounce so a stiff spring loaded ball-bearing and socket detent overcame these hysteresis friction effects to accelerate the transition speed with stiff positive force feedback until position detent is reached with overshoot and then positive force feedback again , oscillating quickly to lock into position with minimal oscillations or well damped.
For continuous volume controls, you don't need this level of force feedback since the quadrature switches have low friction and you only want a light click tactile feel.
Discussion of solution options
To increase the force feedback, that you prefer, one needs a solution that is either passive mechanical or magnetic or electromagnetic force feedback.
Mechanical is obsolete and wear-prone with a spring loaded ball bearing detent if high force. You only need the spring to be twice peak force of the friction torque so modern detent torque is much less.
Magnetic force-position loaded uses permanent rare earth magnetics, which adds much cost to the rotary switch or uses capacitive quadrature position sensing with electromagnetic force feedback, which is much more expensive.
When you have done this analysis for force vs position between detents ,
you may decide the solution is a stepper motor with friction.
They can have strong magnetic locking positions depending on rating of micro stepper motor. Adding more torque can be as simple as shorting with a shunt resistor and monitoring current across this 75mV shunt to determine detent position and direction from quadrature decoding of pulse position. More complex touchy feel detent detection can be done with
active current feedback to accelerate and brake from detent to detent by sensing position of quadrature phases, velocity and then assist with electronic force feedback from negative force to positive force using magnets and electromagnet coils in a micro-stepper & driver to emulate any rotary switch force with any fancy force feedback you want by designing of these parameters for force vs rotary
position, velocity and acceleration.