usbasp v2.0 lcsoft to at Attiny24V-10pu

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Newbie level 3
Jan 17, 2013
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I miss someone who can help me with a connection diagram
I bought a usbasp v2.0 lcsoft studio.
I would like to get in touch with a attiny24. but I can not quite find how to connect it .. I have soldered the circuit together ..
but it is based on the connector is 6-pin
mine is at 10 pins

If the connector doesn't fit then you can make an adapter.

The ISP is like this

the pins that need to be connected are reset, MISO, MOSI, SCK and the ground , Vcc is optional and depends on the source of power (needed if the board will get power from the programmer)

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And please upload images in the forum instead of external servers in the future.

I just received my Lcsoft Studio USBASP v2 and it has no labels on the cable pinouts. There is a small triangle on the board at the same pin as "MOSI" in the picture above... can I safely assume the triangle indicates pin 1 and the other pins are the same?

What kind of plug does it have?
If it has IDC like the oges above they are polarized (one side has the bump) and you can identify the pinout, if not and it has 2x5 header then you can locate the gnd and Vcc and based o that identify the pinout

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It is IDC, just found this
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This is it... notice the lack of labels on the pc board!

The description on the board doesn't matter , the ISB is polarized so you can identify pin 1 and the ISP pinout is standard too, like the images I have posted

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