USB Video Class Chip

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Newbie level 3
Mar 2, 2015
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Good day

I plan to make my own stereo camera for a project. I plan to use an OV7670 sensor, and and FPGA to drive these cameras. However, I plan to output to USB. I have been reading up on the USB specs (the USB Video Class in particular), and decided that I'd rather not try to implement it on the FPGA. It seemed like a very daunting task, and would take up most of my time, given that that is not the focus of the project anyway.

I have been reading up on ways to get around this problem. Here are the things that I thought of:

1. Get a microcontroller and implement the USB protocols there.
2. Implement a soft microcontroller on the FPGA and do #1 on that soft microcontroller.
3. Use a chip dedicated for the purpose mentioned above.

With regards to 1 and 2, I don't think that microcontrollers are up to the task for that. What appeals to me most is option 3.

I basically need a chip that sits between the FPGA and the host. I feed data to that chip, and that chip takes care of the USB protocol stuff(USB Video Class, specifically. I need it to be isochronous, and I need it to be able to keep up with 320x240 @ 30 fps worth of data.

So my question is this, have you any suggestion for this "dream chip"?

Hi Dude,

FX3 USB controller from Cypress Semiconductors would be the best option. Please go through


I'd just like to ask what you used it for, and what was your experience working with that chip.

There are several open source USB client implementations available in VDHL and Verilog. However, it does take quite a while to get them running smoothly, and you'd still be lacking a valid VID/PID pair to get it recognized on the master side.

A dedicated USB chip comes preconfigured with a valid VID/PID, and in my experience they're a far easier and more reliable option than implementing as embedded hardware on on FPGA or in software on a microcontroller.

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