usb to serial converter

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Newbie level 6
Apr 5, 2011
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Hi everyone. I wanted to ask if anyone is familiar with interfacing computer to 89S52 micro controller using USB via a USB to serial converter?

it would be fine if you put the question open to everyone instead of asking if anyone is expert and then asking.. someone who is not expert but have faced and solved the problem is also too handy in these situation...

expecting you to put the question.......


Sometimes it is better to change microcontroller and have in built usb functions.
But if you have already wrote lot of code and you have a short time for developing this function it is better to use a FTDI chip or some hard like this (Microchip has also an equivalent product).
After you will be constrain to use the CDC driver on the PC side. (i do not know all the restrictions)
Hope it will help you a little.

...But if you have already wrote lot of code and you have a short time for developing this function it is better to use a FTDI chip or some hard like this...

I agree.
Had done it in several projects, and at PC side, communication is treated like an usual Serial port.
However, must perform Port access with System API functions, due this 'not-legacy' serial COM port is not accessible directly throught UART chipset registers.


Thanks all. I have solved the problem. I changed the USB to serial converter i was using. Seems like the previous one was faulty. The new issue now is that if power goes off from the mcu circuit temporarily, the system brings out a blue screen and then restarts.

Most of the time it is caused by substandard products and improper usb drivers.

Check out both converter and driver.

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