USB to RS232 and TTL Converter [very good product]

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Its nice but its to large, this can be very small.

With usage of Micro-Mini USB connector this can be even smaller. Its good for experimenting, but on final project can be tight implemented in PCB on very small space.

FT232RL cost about 3,5eur. DB9 connector and MAX232 can be added without lots of investments.

But of course, always is better to buy finished and fabricated board. For developing project is definitely good.

Yes, but it can be manufactured for 5.5 eur in India if made in large scale. The problem is SMD soldering. They don't take SMD soldering if qty for same product is < 10000.

Have you checked the MCP2210 from Microchip, I found it easier to use than FTDl chips and it is cheaper. It does not need an external EEPRom.

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