USB Thumb drive on 8-bit CPU

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Newbie level 2
May 12, 2006
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I did some search about subject (thread). It looks as too complicated and not recommended. However, with helps of some newer special designed chips maybe not.

Using for instance USBN9603 - lot of registers, hard to make driver. Chip is available even in my place for some 8 Euros.

FT245 should be easier - but for me it's not clear: can it be used as USB host?

There are some Cypres and Philips chips, probably same problem as by USBN9603

I found today USBWiz - custom designed multifunction USB adapter:
**broken link removed**

It looks very promising, has even FAT filesystem support, and can communicate via standard UART. Additionally it can work with MMC and SD cards.

I made already IF for IDE drives, and I can use IDE FLASH or CF cards with them. But USB looks as good challenge, and most future proof, plus PEN-drives are cheapest at moment, and will be...

Can some expert judge how long would be code with 8-bit CPU or microcontroler to low level FLASH USB disk read/write - I mean without filesystem, just logical sector access?

According to what I saw wee need following main routines (calls):
Reading attached USB descriptor
Reading drives parameters - as geometry, size
Sector read/write
Drive reset

Last three should be SCSI type commands/calls

Probably I missed some steps, but it depends much from used USB adapter chip.

Or just go on solution with USBWiz?

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