usb+pic 18f4550 detection on computer

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Apr 1, 2011
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am writing a code of hid connection between PC and pic18f4550 threw USB when i start simulation on ISIS without connecting in real USB it's simulation with hyperterminal i get my usb detect but i can't found it
so i wanna know if it's normal or not and if i connect my pic threw usb in real it will work or no?
thank you in advance



You need to try it out with hardware. proteus sometimes dont work properly.

unfortunately i need to tryed on ISIS before i bay the components and make my carte any way thinks very much

well i cant be sure but its likely your project running OK with real hardware. just try with minimal hardware configuration of your project. just like john blue said, in some area, proteus do not work properly..good luck
that's Reassuring thank you so am going to bay the component and do same test what do you think about my component's list and there values
  • Microcontrôleur PIC 18f4550 DIL40 microchip
  • Quartz (cristal) 20Mhz
  • Capacité 22 pF
  • Capacité 470nF
  • Capacité 100nF between Vdd and Vss of pic 18f4550
  • USB connector type B
  • Câble USB with connector A and B
  • LCD 2*16
  • Résistance 330 Ohm
  • LED
  • Button

OK then...seems minimal configuration to me...good luck and let me know if your project running good.
oh, don`t forget to connect a 220nF capacitor between VUSB ( pin 18 ) and ground
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it's a 470nF capacitor t think
know am trying to put the .hex file on my pic i did b installed WinPic800 and am wondring if i can put it directly without a hardware programmer have you any idea??????


oh..470nF is good

with bootloader loaded in your microcontroller, you can burn your hex without a hardware programmer, BUT to put the bootloader software, you must use a hardware programmer.

PS: bootloader eating your flash memory about 1kB - 2 kB

i have very little knowledge about bootloader but you can consult here:

**broken link removed**
Tiny PIC bootloader
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Hello I have a lot of experience with USB on these devices. Let me know if your still having problems. The USB components that are included with Flowcode Pro are also very good for USB starters and professionals alike.

Hello I have a lot of experience with USB on these devices. Let me know if your still having problems. The USB components that are included with Flowcode Pro are also very good for USB starters and professionals alike.

i was trying to put my .hex file on pic18f 4550 without a hardware programmer but it's impossible without a bootloader program in the pic so now am trying to build one with usb connection and PC any idea??????


A PICkit 2 programmer is a handy yet very low cost addition to allow you to load files onto a PIC without a bootloader present. Once you have the bootloader loaded you can go from there but its always handy to have the programmer just in case the bootloader locks up or fails to work correctly.

have you any idea about programming LCD because i have to work with LCD 4*16 and my program is working with 2*16



The alphanumeric style LCD's are all cross compatible so your code should work correctly on both sizes of displays.

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