USB host controller ?

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Advanced Member level 4
Jun 11, 2009
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What's the most popular USB host controller ?
is it Vinculum ? How to interface it with uC ? AVR or PIC ?


In most embedded applications, a µC with OTG functionality would be the straightforward solution, e.g. AT90USB1286, PIC24FxxxGB.

if I use uC without OTG, can you tell me any popular solutions ? links or references ?thanks

Does it mean that, uC has the ability on reading flash disk for example ? and PC can detect uC as a flash memory ?

I have worked with both the Vinculum-1 and Vinculum-2 parts. If you are seriously considering using one of them, I'd recommend the -2 as it appears the vinculum-1 is about at the end of its chain. The Vinculum-2 has a free IDE and downloadable code examples which mimic the behavior of all of the precompiled Vinculum-1 FW images anyway, and you have the ability to tweak things and add your own code to it. The documentation however, does leave something to be desired.

If I had a clean slate to start with, depending upon what I needed for functionality, I'd look strongly at the various ARM or other microcontrollers with USB controllers, possibly even consider ones that have available commercial USB stacks available for sale as well. Depends on what functionality you require and available development schedule time as to what makes the most sense.

Does it mean that, uC has the ability on reading flash disk for example ? and PC can detect uC as a flash memory ?
"Flash disk" means USB mass storage device (memory stick)?
What's the intended connection and data flow between the three involved devices?

Does it mean that, uC has the ability on reading flash disk for example ? and PC can detect uC as a flash memory ?

Means you want that it should work as host and as slave as well.
Host for reading flash disk and slave for PC as flash memory.

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