USB-C layout (using USB2.0)

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Member level 5
Jul 7, 2014
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Hi all!

I am laying out a project and using a USBC connector (as they are small) but only actually using USB2.0...

Anyway, my main question is how best to route the D+ and D- traces as the connector i am using makes it difficult to route D+ and D- to the 4 pins on the connector....

I am using this connector;

I have attached my current layout... only to two of the pins, i need to get those signals to the other two....

How should i approach this? I know USB2 wont need the same skew tolerances, but I want to ensure all signals are well skew matched and the overall length of the signals to the D+ and D- pairs are matched....


  • usbC_layout.jpg
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To route D+ and D- traces on the USBC connector, you can use Serpentine Routing or differential Pair Routing.
When routing USB2.0 signals, it is essential to keep the trace lengths matched, but skew matching is less critical than in USB3.0. Skew matching ensures that the signals arrive at the same time, reducing timing errors and signal distortion.

It is also essential to keep the USB data signals away from high-speed clock signals or power signals that may introduce noise into the data signals.

Finally, it is good practice to test the signals' integrity using an oscilloscope to ensure that they meet the USB2.0 signal requirements.

That answer makes no sense and doesn’t answer my question at all

Anyway I found a reference showing how to route to the pads…

Please show the solution to help other users.
Sure, here is the solution

I am yet to have my pcb manufactured... but i am confident it will be ok
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