USB byte streamed Multi PWM fan controller


Junior Member level 1
Aug 10, 2017
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Hello Everyone, I have not been here for quite some time since I was informed I had 12 months to live... obviously a slight misdiagnosis. Unfortunately it resulted in me giving away everything I owned - so I am starting again.. To that end I have a Supermicro H12SSL server which needs better fan control, the current fan control circuits are limited to two zones which you can control all the fans in by selecting that zone but all the fan speeds in that zone will be set to the same value. If a fan is deemed to have failed all fans go to maximum speed and the sound would drive you crazy..

To this end I designed a circuit which would (lie) to the motherboard saying that the fan is running at the correct speed and lets you set it to whatever speed you wish using PWM fans.

I have uploaded a copy of this circuit and some changes have been made on the basis of recommendations from the Arduino crews but I am wanting to check it because I am using this to protect several thousands of $$$ worth of equipment..

If you are a person with lots of electrical knowledge please check it out and let me know if there is anything problematic. NB All power comes from the 5.25 inch power connector designated PWR.

All fans are 12v PWM fans.

Thank you all.

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