(urgent!) Simulink Neural network training problem

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Newbie level 2
Dec 24, 2012
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I am trying to train an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to model a state space block I have set up in Simulink. The goal is to have the ANN produce the same output as the state space block given the same input (time delays may be included using MUX blocks).

I have used Simulink to export input/output data sets to workspace, which I then access in the command window to use as training and test data for building the ANN. Once the ANN is trained I then use the gensim command to export the ANN to Simulink.

Unfortunately the error is quite large. I have tried multiple inputs (with time delays), multi-layered ANNs and increasing the size of the training data.

Has anybody any suggestions on how I can improve the ANN training?

Neural network models attempt to simulate the information processing that occurs in the brain and are widely used in a variety of applications, including automated pattern recognition. You can read about how to use MATLAB and the Neural Network Toolbox to create and work with neural networks by accessing the documentation with the following command:

- - - Updated - - -

Neural network models attempt to simulate the information processing that occurs in the brain and are widely used in a variety of applications, including automated pattern recognition. You can read about how to use MATLAB and the Neural Network Toolbox to create and work with neural networks by accessing the documentation with the following command:

I read Matlab help completely but it didn't explain about how to train a neural net in the SIMULINK.
i train my network in M-file and it works good but when i convert it to simulink block it is not working and the Errors are quite large and didn't converge.
simlink for stand alone application only. so we cant train that,it ve some set of process to genrate a weights randomly. so we cant train...
can you post ur m.code
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