Urgent Please.. Motor driver with IR2101

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Emre Çakal

Newbie level 3
Feb 27, 2015
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Hello! What is problem in this device? It doesn't work and I need to make this device in a few days. Can you help me please?


Share proteus schematic file. are you able to simulate it using Proteus ?
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    Points: 2
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try this circuit.

Both circuits will not work in continius mode because of bootstrap capacitors have to be charged only in pulse mode. So, the upper transistors should heat a lot in your case.

The problem is that you have to continously pulse the Vs terminal of the driver to pump up the bootstrap capacitor before there is enough volts on the line to turn the upper FET on. I doubt if push buttons would ever work.

He needs a charge pump, a separate (isolated) power supply or a 24V rail to feed the bootstrap capacitor of the high side driver.

Can someone please send me the drawing in Proteus? I try every way but does not work.

I guess he learned about relays way before H-bridges. He might choose the H-bridge on purpose.

- - - Updated - - -

He might also use P-channel MOSFETs for the high side. The dead time is missing in the actual configuration, too.

I was wondering if you shunted the FETs with a 1K resistor, so when the low side FETs turned on the Vs (1/2 Vcc) dropped to 0V, so a little charge went into the bootstrap but you will need to do it a lot before it has enough volts on it to turn the top FETs on. One pulse from a switch would not work!

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