I need help designing the 2 stage telescopic amplifier using both Bipolar as well as MOS devices.The gain required is grater than 100,000(greatest possible).I will greatly appreciate any inputs like where to use bipolars in the design which will benefit me most.
I need help designing the 2 stage telescopic amplifier using both Bipolar as well as MOS devices.The gain required is grater than 100,000(greatest possible).I will greatly appreciate any inputs like where to use bipolars in the design which will benefit me most.
But then where shall I use MOS devices?
By input I think you mean the i/p differential pair.
By o/p do you mean 2nd stage or p channel current mirrors on top of i/p differential pair?
Also how should I bias such a high gain opamp?
What other tricks can I use to ensure highest gain, what about common mode feedback, cascoded stages, or are there any other techniques?